Saturday, May 29, 2010

So fresh and so clean!

On our way to get spiffy clean!

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Time keeps movin...

and doesn't stop for no one. That's my round-up for the month of May. A lot went down. Yes, a lot more down then ups... but I am eager for the month to end so I can feel some kind of brand newness. Why do I need a new month or a week or have any date to make myself feel better? I don't know. I should be looking ahead and remember nothing is forever. Time does not stand still for anyone. And its a waste of time to dwell on things that is out of our control.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Let's play ball!

I didn't even know we owned a nerf football untill I saw Nico tossing and chasing after it. Its so fun to see big booty Nico in action other then her ninja style peeing maneuver. Go Go GO NicoooOOOooo!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What goes up must come down...

So far May has been a good month till last week. I use my iphone for work and as any calls that comes through you don't expect anything different from clients other then 911 on projects or requesting more revisions and so forth. On Friday, I received a call like no other. Client says, "I have to let go of your services." My heart sinks to my stomach and my eyes fill up in tears. All these thoughts were racing through my head. What went wrong? Did I make a mistake? Of course, I hear its us not you. I HATE THAT LINE. I graciously took the news and told the client how grateful I am to have the opportunity to work with them. I even told the person on the phone how I felt bad she had to make such an awkward phone call. 

After I hung up I get hold of my partner K to break the bad news. Anne was home that day so when she came in to see me I just started to wail. I never experience of actually being let go so I felt like the biggest failure. I haven't been in a relationship in awhile so when dinner time rolls around I realized that I just got DUMPED. I felt like shit till Saturday morning and now I am ready to find a rebound client. :P I want to feel motivated how I am about Pilates with work and get the ball rolling! I anticipate the anxieties but I feel like one door shuts another will open (maybe something grander). I really appreciate everyone that had to listen to me whine and cry. I feel better now. I even went out and played with Georgie and got some sun on the weekend. :)

We even made a new friend, Russel. Our lil humming bird that we finally was able to capture it on camera! YAY!

Friday, May 14, 2010


Is Mercury still in retrograde? Today was a rubbish day. I hope the stars align itself for better days to come. For now I'll be hiding out tonight.

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May Flowers

That was me! I literally felt like death. (There's Nico doing an impersonation of me). I had zero motivation for work and life. The past couple of weeks, months has gone by and I allowed myself to feel BLAH. I would wake up, eat, work, watch tv, and sleep. Non stop. But all of a sudden the past two weeks I felt like a light shined on me and I feel great. (Ok, to be honest it wasn't all that sudden. I bought Pilates work out on groupon in Jan. 2010 and never used it. It was going to expire soon so I decided to try it out. I felt so great to actually step out of my home and do something active other then getting up from my desk to my bed to watch tv. Pilates totally helped me flip a switch and YES! I do feel like a light shined upon me.) YAY! And right on time for APak's Birthday.

We celebrated APak and had a marvelous time with friends, delicious food, wine, and yum yum cake.

Hope APak didn't forget to make a wish. She forgot to invite - look below:

HAHA Poor Georgie. Yay for APak and Yay for May. I feel like this is a new month for new happiness!