That was me! I literally felt like death. (There's Nico doing an impersonation of me). I had zero motivation for work and life. The past couple of weeks, months has gone by and I allowed myself to feel BLAH. I would wake up, eat, work, watch tv, and sleep. Non stop. But all of a sudden the past two weeks I felt like a light shined on me and I feel great. (Ok, to be honest it wasn't all that sudden. I bought Pilates work out on groupon in Jan. 2010 and never used it. It was going to expire soon so I decided to try it out. I felt so great to actually step out of my home and do something active other then getting up from my desk to my bed to watch tv. Pilates totally helped me flip a switch and YES! I do feel like a light shined upon me.) YAY! And right on time for APak's Birthday.
We celebrated APak and had a marvelous time with friends, delicious food, wine, and yum yum cake.
Hope APak didn't forget to make a wish. She forgot to invite - look below:
HAHA Poor Georgie. Yay for APak and Yay for May. I feel like this is a new month for new happiness!