Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What goes up must come down...

So far May has been a good month till last week. I use my iphone for work and as any calls that comes through you don't expect anything different from clients other then 911 on projects or requesting more revisions and so forth. On Friday, I received a call like no other. Client says, "I have to let go of your services." My heart sinks to my stomach and my eyes fill up in tears. All these thoughts were racing through my head. What went wrong? Did I make a mistake? Of course, I hear its us not you. I HATE THAT LINE. I graciously took the news and told the client how grateful I am to have the opportunity to work with them. I even told the person on the phone how I felt bad she had to make such an awkward phone call. 

After I hung up I get hold of my partner K to break the bad news. Anne was home that day so when she came in to see me I just started to wail. I never experience of actually being let go so I felt like the biggest failure. I haven't been in a relationship in awhile so when dinner time rolls around I realized that I just got DUMPED. I felt like shit till Saturday morning and now I am ready to find a rebound client. :P I want to feel motivated how I am about Pilates with work and get the ball rolling! I anticipate the anxieties but I feel like one door shuts another will open (maybe something grander). I really appreciate everyone that had to listen to me whine and cry. I feel better now. I even went out and played with Georgie and got some sun on the weekend. :)

We even made a new friend, Russel. Our lil humming bird that we finally was able to capture it on camera! YAY!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Russel! So, what's goin on with Nico? George should share his toy with Nico! :)
