Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!

The picture above is a glimpse of what I have been working on every Saturday for the past 1.5 month. It's party girl NICO!

Last weekend I was lucky to visit Vegas with a group of friends. The biggest gift of all was the experience we shared watching LOVE. It was truly magical. My favorite part was "Something". I wish I can find a youtube video to share. :(

Summertime is always a little hectic with birthdays because first I share mine with my brother and second my dad's birthday landed on the 27th. So its back to back cake time! Here is my dads!

HERE IS MINE! I got a surprised delivery from CRUMBS BAKE SHOP today! My friend Valentina hooked me up with some yummy cupcakes! I couldn't decide which one to eat! They all look so good and too pretty!

I went with the SQUIGGLE. It had white filling in the center. SO YUMMM! It was fun turning 30! Thank you everyone for my bday wishes. I am going to make my wishes now to put on my wish wall... Hope they all come true.


  1. aw! happy birthday Christine :) i love all your pictures. im re-working my blog! i will let u know when i have it up. lets meet again soon! - wendy

  2. Dang, those cupcakes are cute! Haha. I love that silkscreen. You're so talented.

  3. ooh christine when did u sneak a pic of the love show?!?! that crazy love lady could have yelled at u...she was
